
cost price 成本(價格)。

cost sheet

It provides an important reference for bidding unit to determine construction cost price rapidly and accurately , for owner to select contractor 為招標單位決速、準確的確定工程成本價及業主選擇承包單位提供了重要的參考依據。

An amount added to a cost price in calculating a selling price , especially an amount that takes into account overhead and profit 加值在計算某種出售物的價格時計入成本價的一個數額,尤指計入了管理費用和利潤的數額

A common complaint is that some companies try to monopolize a market through “ predatory “ or below - cost pricing 一種什么樣的經常見到的的申請要求投訴是一些公司經過掠奪性規定報價價格或傾銷價妄想壟斷市場。

We will offer the cost price of our products and show how much money you will make for the charity 我們將會提供我們每樣產品的成本價,您將會知道您所做的每單交易會有多少錢是捐給了慈善機構。

And , saying is special offer , some commodity never may have sold , the cost price of commodity cannot check at all 而且,說是特價,有些商品可能從沒賣過,商品的原價根本無法查證。

A common complaint is that some companies try to monopolize a market through “ predatory “ or below - cost pricing 一種常見的申訴是一些公司通過掠奪性定價或傾銷價企圖壟斷市場。

Providing convenience for maintaining in 1 to 3 years after plant acceptance , spare parts to be charged at cost price 一年后至三年內提供維護方便,備件只收成本費用。

We are not in a position to entertain business at your price , since it is far below our cost price 你方出價大大低于我們的成本價,我們不能考慮按你方價格成交。

We are not in a position to entertain business at your price , since it is far below our cost price 我方無法在這個價格上與你方交易,因為它遠遠低于我們成本價。

Cost price includes expenditure of identifiers , lamp case , picture albums and pop pasted pictures of fashionable dress 成本價提供標識燈箱時裝畫冊pop張貼畫

We are not in a position to entertain business at your bid , since it is far below our cost price 我們無法按此價與你方交易,因為它遠遠低于我們的成本價格。

Salesman : and to ensure benefits of customers , our store sells the pork at cost price 售貨員:為了保證顧客利益,我們店現在是進價銷售。

Full cost price 十足成本價

Databank design for counting the cost of stock by actual cost price in separate batches 按分批實際進價法計算存貨成本的數據庫設計

Cost price structure 成本價格結構

Average cost pricing 平均成本定價

Marginal cost pricing 邊際成本定價

Average cost pricing 按平均成本定價

Analysis on the cost price of community health service items in baoding city 沈陽市貧困居民對社區衛生服務的需求和利用分析